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Forum Rules

1. Respect the blog owners story concepts. I reserve the rights to the storyline and main characters. However, you are free to duet to my TikToks as the developed secondary main characters. You are free to create other characters with their own stories outside of the main storyline, or along with the story line. The hashtags are free to use to play along with the OC Larp stories.


2. PRIVACY - To ensure the privacy of forum members, DO NOT share or release any personal information to another member our outside of the Forum without consent. This practice is strickly prohibited.


3. Use of Foul or Provacative language is prohibited. There may be members under the age of 18. I do not have a way to control who signs up at the moment. Working on that. :) Keep it PG13


4. Not safe for work (NSFW) content also prohibited for the same reason as #2


5. Threats of ANYKIND is not prohibited..this includes; stalking, bullying, threats to another user, peodofiles and or anything of that nature. You WILL be banned immedicately from the forum by the owner. If you are a user that feels a threat has been made to you, contact me immediately.


6. Copyright Infringements: Please credit in any artwork that is not your own. Also, do not steal the idea of others. Artists in all forms work hard for their content. Respect that!


7: Personal boundaries: DO not pressure anyone to communicate with you, duet with you, etc. Respect a person's personal space. A lot of cosplayers are introverts and may just want to come here for character development information and not neccessarily to interract with others.


8. Last, but not least, be nice to one another and have fun!



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© 2020 by Madeline Elize. All rights reserved on the Stories written on this Blog

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