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A little about me. I was born in Japan to a Japanese native mother and American father. I've been through a lot. And, when I say a lot...I mean A LOT!I had a pretty crappy childhood and young adult life.


What does this all have to do with this blog...well, through it all, creativity was my escape. Music was a required subject growing up. Studied music for 9 yrs formally, then on my own, teaching myself guitar and becoming a singer/songwriter for a few years. I produced my own music and videos. I wrote slam poetry and lyrics in storytelling form. I studied theater in school for a couple of years. Learned how to sew in school and got into costume design and cosplaying.


And, then taught myself flow arts & belly dance and up until my cancer kicked in, performed as a professional fire dancer for several years. "Experts" always say to pick one thing as a brand, but my rebellious nature didn't want to only do one passion and drop all others.


It was a juggling act to manage several different projects, social media & web pages etc. All came to a halt after cancer. I still haven't regained my energy to perform and the depression kicked in from not knowing what to do with myself.


Then my daughter introduced me to TikTok and wow...after watching all of the amazing cosplayers and actors on TikTok I thought to myself, all my passions could be incorporated into ONE, costume, acting, my music and use of my recording equipment, and video editing.


So, I AM my "brand". And, this blog, well it's an extension of that, to really tell the story behind my characters that I develop. and, I hope you'll join in with me.


“Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.”

~ Maya Angelou

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© 2020 by Madeline Elize. All rights reserved on the Stories written on this Blog

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